Classes & Certifications

NRA Range Safety Officer Certification Class

The National Rifle Association (NRA) Range Safety Officer (RSO) is designed as a vocational certification which will permit you to work in that capacity at firearm ranges both public & private. As a NRA Range Safety Officer, you will possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations. Class taught by a NRA Instructor at Camp Conquest.

  • Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 9am-4pm.


$75 per person for the class. Lunch included. (Free for staff & volunteers who plan to use the certification at camp’s range during camp programs. Contact Tim Kachel for a discount code)

Additional fee to register the certification with the NRA. If you are a NRA Member the cost is $35 and if you are not an NRA Member the cost is $60.  This fee is for a 2 year period and renewable. (Prices as of January 2025). This certification will permit employers or range owners to check the NRA data base to confirm that you have the certification as well as to allow you to purchase merchandise that reflects your RSO certification.


Anyone 21 years of age and over are welcome to participate.