Day Camps

Summer camp doesn’t have to include sleeping bags to lead to a life change. A Christian day camp can be a powerful tool for the Lord to work in a child’s life, while allowing parents the freedom to continue their necessary work schedules in the summer no-school months. The hours where children enjoy God’s beautiful creation and interact with caring staff will make a difference for years to come.

We have partnered with local churches to create the ultimate camp experience for kids and busy parents. Drop your child off at any of the churches on our route, and we’ll handle transportation to camp and back each day.

Know that you’re making the best choice for your child when you choose Camp Conquest for one, two or multiple weeks of summer day camp this year. Camp Conquest is where lives are changed!

What ages can attend Day Camp?

At Camp Conquest we offer two programs within our Day Camp to allow for age specific activity and learning opportunities (just register for Day Camp and we will assign you in the appropriate group).

  • Pioneer Day Camp is for ages 7-9
  • Adventure Day Camp is for ages 10-12.

How much does a week of Day Camp cost?

A week of Day Camp costs $220.

Are Scholarships Available?

For those that need additional financial assistance, please contact the office for a “Campership Application” at

When is Day Camp offered?

For 2025, all 5 Day Camp Sessions run Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm.

  • June 23-27
  • June 30-July 3* No Camp on Friday, July 4
  • July 7-11
  • July 13-18
  • July 20-25

Is transportation available?

Yes, Camp Conquest will run buses from partner churches.  If you would rather drop off and pick up directly at camp, that option is also available. View the Transportation Schedule for complete listing of location addresses, pick up times, and drop off times for each week of camp. Times are subject to adjustments.

Buses will run to and from Lititz Grace Church and LCBC Ephrata all 5 weeks! (Other locations coming soon!)

Is lunch included?

Yes, your child will receive lunch each day.

Sample Menu

Monday – Hot Ham & cheese sandwich, chips, applesauce, brownie

Tuesday – Meatball Sandwich, chips, peaches, camp cookie

Wednesday – Hamburger, watermelon, ice cream sandwich

Thursday – Chicken patties sandwich, chips, mandarin oranges, cookie

Friday – Pulled pork sandwich, cheesy potatoes, fruit salad, veggies, rice crispy treat

What activities will my child enjoy?

Swimming, target sports (archery, rifles (ages 10+), slingshots, etc), crafts, horses, and group games and much more will be enjoyed daily. Creative, hands-on Bible lessons and fun camp songs teach valuable truths.

Sample Schedule

9:00     Opening Session

9:30     Field Games

10:00   Chapel/Small Groups

11:00   Lunch

12:00   Swimming

1:30     Camp Store

2:00     Electives

3:30     Closing

4:00     Departure

What about supervision?

Campers enjoy an intergenerational mix of staff and counselors. Volunteer adults from our partner churches provide maturity and structure while our well trained teens (16 years old +) and college students add energy and enthusiasm. There are two counselors with every group and the overall ratio is around 3 campers for 1 staff member. A Nurse is also on site to help with any first aid or medication issues.

Additional Helpful Information is available by following these links: